Here are the explanations:
World War II:
6-12 players choose a direction
In these is their country
There they have to build a stable economy etc. With CloneCraft, CustomNPC's and Comes Alive
Won who has a certain economic power, can call all conquered or the other players have died (Hardcore mode)
At the same time you can spread your land, fix it etc. As you like
Stair-like (name suggestions?):
Simple survival project with 4- … Players
The rules change with time
It all comes to a head like a staircase or a mountain
In the end, it is considered who survived won
No World War II scenario, you could play Battlefield I. As we all know, the Boyfriend after the trade press is a Minecraft clon: 3
I think it's just funnier, especially exciting to build an economy and manage his country and expand!
Legendary video. But I think the name is misleading, economy etc (which also belongs to wars) does not matter in Battlefield. Nobody asks who pays the Infinite First Pockets per Medic?
Sounds more exciting, I would even look or do it myself. Sounds more tactical overall, not just PvP, and that's great.