Inner unrest due to Minecraft?

- in Servers

My problem may sound strange, but maybe someone knows that. I've been playing Minecraft for over 10 years now, not active but every now and then. Of course I built almost everything in time and everything has improved a lot. So I have already proven a very creative streak and built entire medieval villages / cities with cathedral to laboratory's with lockable cells and controllable light in every room. Mammoth projects. Even so, I often started new with friends on a server and always convinced and surprised with my buildings.

Now, however, I have the feeling that my creativity is simply gone, I already get a headache when I think about how I build something because I take so much into account that I simply can't find a start. It makes me restless internally, even when I'm not playing Minecraft. And besides, I don't want to disappoint the expectations of others (which sounds completely idiotic), but I'm just getting ready inside. I simply can't describe this feeling, it is this incompleteness and this feeling of having lost something. I can't call the creativity as usual, this mental cinema what you have when you see something and immediately have your ideas about it. It's just gone, it just hurts in the head.

Is it perhaps due to age, do you become less creative in old age? Or have I already used up mine? Or am I just having an uncreative phase? Too much stress in life? Or am I forcing myself too much?

Sometimes I had to cancel projects because the construction sites were too big for me and I was just racking my brains but it wasn't an issue afterwards to start something new. Now that is exactly what is causing me problems.

Has anyone of you ever experienced this? Maybe not exactly in Minecraft but in other "creative" projects like paintings, sculptures etc.


When my buoyancy was exhausted, I started modding. That opened new doors for me.


I know that, but for me it's because of medication. I made levels for shooters until 2005 and was certainly in the top 20 of the most creative minds, then I was in psychiatry and nothing worked.
There's also a kind of "hole" in which artists fall (often also programming), maybe it is a kind of burnout, then nothing works.
But it may well be that it comes back. Maybe you just have to deal with something "banal" for a while.


I play Minecraft myself. I also often have days or even months in which I can't do anything clever, but then some in which I can build something again. If you can't get anything done, take a break from building, or even Minecraft.


It was exactly the same for me for a long time. That's why I started not only playing Minecraft on the Playstation, but also trying it out on the PC. Then I tried different mods and also played on servers to look beyond the horizon.

It also helped me a lot to play with my friend, who also likes to play Minecraft. It worked quite well. I also have to say that you can't force yourself to do anything. You can't create a world and say that you are building or implementing exactly the one now if you do not want it inside. You have to be enthusiastic and motivated for your project!

I've also had experience with this, with forcing. If nothing works, just remove the practical and maybe snap up some theory! For example online on YouTube possibly.

I also appreciate that it's not due to age. Relative to stress: If I have too much stress, I can't concentrate on it! Corrosive problems always buzz around in my head. I hope there's something helpful in my answer. Lg!