Programming AnvilGUI - Minecraft?

- in Worlds

I'm currently programming a challenge plugin for my friends and me.

With the plugin you can set what the challenge should look like and a world will be created.

But now my question, how I can assign the name of the map via a GUI (for example a Anvils). On the internet, I have not really found anything that helps me further, which is why I ask in here.


There's an API for it, but if you want to program it yourself, use Packets.


Okay, so I'm sorry to bother you with that, but I did not manage that with the Anvils and wonder if you might know another way I can set the name without Command. Quite new, maybe with source code 😅 It would be really nice.


You can do it that you name a name tag and then put on the "Erstellitem". But that's too complicated in the code.

I recommend a simpler version via the chat. You do not have to work with Packets.