Imprint for Minecraft Datapack?

- in Worlds

I'm considering if I could not create a website and offer "Minecraft Worlds & Datapacks" for download! However, I have little desire to publish my address. Do I need an imprint if I use the site for downloads only?


If the site is not used for business purposes (you do not make money with it), you can also offer it without imprint.


An imprint is after § 5 (TMG) for "businesslike online services". The
Thus, determines whether the contents, goods or services on the are usually offered for a fee. So first of all, this concerns all site operators who offer goods (online shops) or services (web hosters, software rental). Thus, they have an imprint obligation.

The rule of the
On the other hand, relinquishes the contents of the website for the imprint obligation. After that, an imprint requires who (regularly) publishes journalistic-editorially designed content that can contribute to the formation of opinion. What this means in practice, however, is difficult to say. For example, are bloggers providing regular journalistic content? If so, does an imprint obligation apply to all bloggers for TMG or only for the good guys? What about the so-called cat content pages? And who judges whether content on the Internet is irrelevant or the limit to the journalistic "valuable" content is reached and thus the imprint obligation applies? All these questions are currently not or not finally clarified in court.

At the end of the day nobody will care, theoretically, because you do not spend money with the website.


Only purely private pages have no imprint obligation.

You want to offer content for others so you have imprint obligation.

What makes half-twin is completely irrelevant. If he is warned this is his problem. If you are warned it is your problem.