Minecraft World Editor for very large schematics?

- in Worlds

On my Minecraft server we're slowly losing our place on our island, which is why I wanted to copy our island into a new world. I have created a schematic with World Edit and now try to insert it into a new world a few times. Minecraft has always crashed because it is really big. My PC can handle it, only the RAM will not be enough. This Meincraft is anyway not the most stable game. But now I have no idea how to organize this otherwise. I have not found anything similar for the 1.14.3, with which one can edit the world to this extent. Unfortunately, MCEdit is no longer being developed. Maybe someone else knows another way to solve my problem. Maybe you can somehow recreate the chunks, so that the eternal sea becomes land.


For very large areas you have 2 possibilities. Either create lots of single schemas and put them together again on the new world and / or asyncwordledit.

Is almost the same as worldedit, only the bit by bit and not everything counts on enmal like worldedit.

I copied a huge island with several million blocks. At 5 million, but here is layer, then there's only the division.

Try it easy.
