Write Minecraft Plugin Dev into another config?

- in Worlds

I've spent 2 days creating and writing config files.

Unfortunately, I will not find it. I can write it to the config.yml but not write to my respawns.yml. There should be defined by me Respawns say coordinates.

ReloadConfig ();
getConfig (). Set ("worlds." + loc.getWorld (). GetName () + ". X", loc.getBlockX ());
getConfig (). Set ("worlds." + loc.getWorld (). GetName () + ". Y", loc.getBlockY ());
getConfig (). Set ("worlds." + loc.getWorld (). GetName () + ". Z", loc.getBlockZ ());
getConfig (). Set ("worlds." + loc.getWorld (). GetName () + ". Yaw", loc.getYaw ());
getConfig (). Set ("worlds." + loc.getWorld (). GetName () + ". Pitch", loc.getPitch ());
saveConfig ();

My question is how do I write in the respawns.yml file. The file is also created without problems I just can't find any solution as I have some memory in this file now.


Just change the path of your possible method which writes in it, and of course you should not forget the save itself.