Minecraft - Worldborder set without WorldBorder plugin?

- in Worlds

Since I really like the plugin "WorldBorder" and wanted to use it, I tried it on my local spigot server. The problem, however, is that I created it without the WorldBorder plugin. I used the command "/ worldborder set 5000" and already set a world limit, which is not related to the WB plugin. Now I can't remove this world boundary and wanted to ask if you have an idea or a solution. I've already looked, if perhaps another plugin intervenes, but so far no success.


Unfortunately, I do not understand your question. What do you mean: which is not related to the WB plugin.

In / wb help are all commands, including how to delete the Worldborder. I believe with / web remove, but I'm not sure.

Please explain in more detail, which problem you have.

Little Info: The world boundary is always drawn from the center where you stand.

Did you get the wrong area, then go somewhere else and reset the border. You do not need to delete anything.


The problem is actually described in detail. I have the WorldBorder plugin installed yes, but the command I entered as described above is NOT from the WB plugin!

I have now set two world boundaries, one as wanted from the WB plugin and the other not wanted from any other plugin. I also have the WorldEdit plugin, maybe it's from there


There's no other plugin, which sets a world limit. If you have set the 1st limit with wb, then it is also from this plugin. Worldedit does not set any world borders. As before, delete the world border, best both and reset it.

Alternatively: Open the worldborder config and delete there the world entries. Move server down, delete entry, restart server. Reset Worldborder.


Okay, I'll send you two pictures via OneDrive Link, then you'll see that I have two borders, although only one is wanted… Do not take offense. On one picture you can see my livemap, on which two borders are set, although I only want one. On the second picture you can see the config file of the "WorldBorder" plugin. The border of the WB plugin is round, the other square



Could it be that you have worldborder in 2 different versions on the server? Because such a constellation is actually not possible. Delete the wb.jar and rename the folder in worlborder-old. Start the server and see if there's still a world limit. Actually, there should be no more.

If so, then check it out, if there's a 2nd Worldborder.jar and look into the newly generated config, if a new folder is there. But should not be like that, if the jar is deleted.