Which of my ideas for Minecraft updates do you like the most?

- in Worlds

Minecraft is one of my absolute favorite games. But I have ideas for Ubdates that, if implemented, would, in my opinion, improve Minecraft. I introduce you to these ideas and then please make a decision which ones you like best.

Idea # 1:

It should be possible, if you make a Minecraftwelt online, that you can set up a maximum number of players playing in the world.

Idea # 2:

After all, in Minecraft, in order to get apples in Survival mode in Minecraft, it is necessary to clear leafy leaves on trees, but only a few blocks of leaves contain apples. But I want Minecraft to have apple trees where apples like cocoa grow on tropical trees.

Idea # 3:

That in Minecraft chairs are added.

Idea # 4:

Minecraft introduces the following vegetable foods that can be grown on tropical trees like cocoa: banana, avocado, pineapple, mango, papaya and coconut.

Idea # 5:

The mobs and players in Minecraft produce excrement.

Idea # 6:

That as the player, there are hostile NPC aliens armed with laser blasters and flying around in UFOs. When killing an alien, you get a drop of alien head, experience points, and laser blasters. You can now fly the alien's UFO.


I think they are all good


I think all but the last one is good, that's a bit too much for me, I mean you're running around with swords and bows and there's alien technology a bit too much, there should be normal technology first. (Carriage for horses, cannons, improved and electronic factory gateways, etc.)


I think they are all right. Except for the last one. I think that just does not fit Minecraft


There are also mods for it.


Yes, but that was not the question