Nothing grows in my Minecraft world?

- in Worlds

I play the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft and until recently I had created a Minecraft world. Everything was going well until the day before yesterday. But since yesterday the plants (potatoes, carrots, beetroot, etc.) have stopped growing, unless I use bone meal. When I cut trees, the leaves don't go away either. The only thing that grows is the seaweed in my automatic seaweed farm.

I tried to change the tick speed, also tried 300. But nothing has changed.

It would be nice if someone could help me.


Needs water next to it


Could be because the plants are not getting enough water.

to the tree, that's because you might not be breaking it down properly, so leaving a trunk on top.

In addition, it takes a while until the mood despawns, etc.


One block of water can water 4 blocks in each direction. So before it worked, but now it doesn't work, even though I've been standing by for several hours. And that with the trees. There are no tree trunks on the leaves. The plants also have enough light.


It has enough.


Do you make seed or do you set it in creative mode


As soon as you move more than 90 blocks away, nothing grows anymore. It also needs water (no more than 4 blocks away) and light. Without light, the plants either do not grow at all or only grow very slowly. You can also increase the tick speed, then everything grows faster. If nothing works, it could be a bug


In survival mode. It just doesn't work in this world. It works fine on other worlds.


It has become clear what the problem is. I'm in the latest beta version and I'm probably not the only one who has this problem. Is the version.


It has become clear what the problem is. I'm in the latest beta version and I'm probably not the only one who has this problem. Is the version.


It has become clear what the problem is. I'm in the latest beta version and I'm probably not the only one who has this problem. Is the version.


Yes, in the beta it is clear that nothing is growing


Was in beta before that too. There were no problems, but there were problems in the version where the new items with copper were introduced.


OK. Ty for feedback


I see

Minecraft field not growing? Ze ZephyrJanessa