Wheat grows very slowly in Minecraft?


I thought as I played minecraft three or four years ago that the growing of wheat in minecraft is faster

i have now also supplied the wheat with water but it also has light but it grows very slowly

It may be that it doesn't grow when you're too far away

I have the same problem with raw sugar

half an hour has passed in real life and only 3 out of 30 cane sugar has grown a little

have to do something else that I may not know?


Wheat only needs water and light and you shouldn't be too far away if you're outside the chunks, it doesn't grow anymore


Take a look at a Youtube tutorial, now I can hardly say what you did and what not. Where you built etc

But as I said, there are really great tutorials.

Couple of basic things:

-Don't be too far away


Either you are too far away and the chunks are no longer charging or the tick speed is too low…


Yes, it was the same for me, but be patient: It grows very slowly at the beginning, but after 1-2 hours (don't be alarmed, maybe even shorter) it then grows relatively quickly. I would also put light sources around the plants so that there's also light at night.

Have fun & luck,




If you are too far away, it will stop growing or grow little.