I'm looking for several games?

- in Worlds

The first game

A shooter without OP weapons or other OP properties fast gameplay no wallbaking unless it fits well as in Bo2 Firsthit is important and good maps and game modes should also not have the MP or any other weapon at an advantage or disadvantage and the drop time should not be too slow or to be too fast like in Bo4, it would also be great if the shooter had something original.

The second game

An open-world game like Minecraft in which you have to fight monsters and you have to keep improving your items, and the game should last a long time it should be something like Volcanoids and ARK it should still have the pleasure of crafting you should also have to look for ores

The third game

A story shooter that has an open world and a nice story and you should also be able to laugh at times.

The fourth game

An open world game with a good story and with e.g. Monsters or natives as opponents and it should take an extremely long time until the game is over or simply not at all like in ARK you should have to look for utensils and thus continue to dismantle your base to get better things to get.


So what can i say

I have no idea but "BATTLE FIED" is normal and childish but I think it's ok


For the shooter or how I think it doesn't have that fast gameplay and I don't like that so it's more tactical like in R6 but which row would you recommend I also don't like tanks that much


Apex legends




The Witcher 3?

No plan




Vallheim fits the second description pretty well.

at 3. I spontaneously only think of the borderlands series, although I only played borderlands 2 myself, but if the other parts are two like borderlands, then they all fit the description.

4th: also vallheim, whereby it fits rather to 2nd. But there you can, for example, build huge fortresses out of stone