Minecraft closes / crashes at full screen?


Following problem; my minecraft closes when i go to full screen mode. This has only recently been the case and I don't know why and can't find a fix for it on the Internet.


Try to update your graphics driver and update windows. Usually helps with such cases.


Does it work if you start with full screen from the beginning / you start in window mode and then go to full screen?


If I start it from the beginning with full screen then it crashes. And if I start it in window mode and then go to full screen, it also crashes.


I'll do it right away!


Ok great If it doesn't work otherwise, maybe check the java version and update if necessary.


Updated the graphics card driver and it still doesn't work. (Java is on the newest version and there are no Windows updates either) hm


Have you ever tried another minecraft version?


Yes, I just tried it, it doesn't work either


Hmm, then it gets complicated. Maybe take a look whether your monitor is set to the correct resolution in windows.

Otherwise you can try to plug the hdmi cable into a different slot on your pc. For example, directly to the mainboard or another to the graphics card


Thanks for all the help but just found the fix myself.
Have a 4k monitor and set it to 2k for 144hz in shooter games. Minecraft doesn't seem to cope with that and that's why it crashes on full screen. So if I set my monitor to 4k then it works.
Well, thank you in any case!


Yes, that was it with the resolution haha.


OK Good. Have fun then.