Hi, how do you create your own commands in Minecraft? E.g. As on Homme.HD the / lobby command…
By programming your own plugin.
Do you find the self-designation "Minecraft-Expert" not something cringe. Or your username. Or your profile picture.
Something like this is usually implemented on minecraft servers with server-side programming. Many servers (the programs) offer an interface with which you can add your own logic to the game on the server side.
You can then access functions such as teleporting the players or accessing events such as entering a command or an action in the game such as killing someone.
You too, my friend ;*
So a "2002" Web.de user has absolutely nothing to report here. Kek.
To see how it works
It's ridiculous that you can tell how old you are
Older than you?
For me a little child I don't care how old you are smaller for me you are still nothing
I think you shouldn't have skipped school so often, maybe you would then be able to write sensible sentences
Nope, I don't think so. I think it's ok to call myself that because I'm one. You can also see from my expert titles. But I also called myself an expert before. How would that be Cringe to know more about a game than almost anyone and to stand by what they know?
The username in any case, but you can't change it. I created the account in 2014, and it was just important to me that the name is anonymous. But "BeamerBen" isn't much better either haha.
And nope, I think the profile picture is cool. Killua (the one on the profile picture) is one of my favorite characters and the anime that goes with it is one of my favorite series.
But your behavior is as if you had landed in kindergarten, little just little child
Please keep trying to dissolve, I'll laugh at every answer. That's awesome, and I'm absolutely serious.
What's the matter with you that you have to put other people down?
Some kind of complex? Jealous that I know more about the game than you do?
Show me a person who has an expert title on Minecraft, but has no clue about Minecraft. I'd like to see that. I've been number 1 here in Minecraft for 3 years - I think I'm good at judging who would be worthy of such a title and who would not. And I haven't seen anyone who is wrong. Apart from the fact that there are very few users with Minecraft expert titles.
In other topics that are often automatically or incorrectly added to the question, for example "PC", this is sometimes the case, I agree with you. But not on a subject as specific as Minecraft.
By "interface" you are probably referring to server software, for example Spigot or PaperMC. These are modified Minecraft servers with built-in interfaces. You then write your "own logic" in a so-called plugin.
It should also be mentioned, otherwise the information will help him (or other users) relatively little if he wants to implement such extensions himself. I don't see what to google after reading your answer.
I think you suffer from overconfidence: D
Well, I don't want to say anything, but if you search for the Minceraft server interface on Google you can find more information relatively quickly, e.g. About the plugin API from Bukkit…
I don't think I would be number 1. I know every little feature and easter egg, as well as every technical detail. Unfortunately, I'm one of the only technical minecrafters here on the forum. Light Supression, Update Supression, Ghost Mode, Headless Pistons, Village Stacking, Update Order, none of that tells anyone here. Most of them don't even know how portals or comparators work lol - and I'm hundreds of levels above that. To call myself an expert might be for you. Look like overconfidence, but it isn't. I would consider most of the Minecraft technical community who have over 15,000 hours of gaming experience to be experts. Because what else is an expert, besides knowing everything about the game?