So I'm a girl (15) and recently a couple of friends discovered that I really enjoy gaming. Now I wanted to play some games myself (not just with my friends) So I wanted to ask if there are any gamers with more experience who can tell me what games they recommend for a complete beginner. And in general what I have to consider, where I should buy my games and really everything, no matter how banal it is, because I'm really a complete beginner (except for League of Legends, Minecraft and Super Smash bros. I've been playing these games for a long time) Thank you in advance if anyone has any suggestions.
Basically there's nothing to consider here. I might not necessarily recommend Dark Souls to you, but basically every game is suitable for beginners. It all depends on personal preferences.
I recently played Hollow Knight myself and thought it was awesome! However, it has a certain degree of difficulty. For me as a video game "veteran" no problem, but for you it might be quite a challenge.
For current games I can recommend:
Among Us: If you have a few friends, this is great to play, but you can also play it alone in public lobbies with other players
Genshin Impact: Really cool game apart from the gambling aspect, so you have to open packs to get characters and weapons that you could theoretically earn, but it takes a long time
Rocket Leauge: The controls take getting used to, but nowadays, surprisingly, a lot of people still play it and really get upset when they control the game
Overwatch: Is only from 16 but the FSK is really not necessary. In itself a very cool game which is also suitable for beginners.
Hey thank you very much for your answer. Yes, I've often played Among Us with my friends and I've heard of all the other games and I'm thinking of getting them. I've also played Overwatch with friends, I think I'm more of a fan of shooter games in general
Well, basically you just play the games you enjoy, in the best case it matches the interests of your friends and is capable of multiplayer.
Of course, your computer must meet the system requirements of the game in question.
the next step would of course be to find a common way of communication like discord or teamspeak.
which games interest you regardless of age, gender or skin color,
some like this and others that more.
In itself you can only give general recommendations because we don't know what interests you have.
Personally, I always recommend Rainbow Six Siege. Although it is a "shooting game", a few days ago the USK ratings were changed from "18+" to "16+" because the game demands a lot of tactics and thought and it is not about overpowering everything that moves shoot what moves.
If you like role-playing games, I can only recommend Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and the recently released Cyberpunk 2077, both of which were produced by the same studio.
Currently, Among Us and Fall Guys are still very popular. Both great games to spend some fun hours with friends.
What I always enjoy are building games like the "Anno" series of games. Is nice and relaxing after a long day. V.a. Can you listen to music while playing the game without missing out on what's going on in the game?
Personally, I also like to go to to buy my games, because the operator (CD: Poject Red) behind the shop doesn't put any money into their own pockets like Steam does. Games that are of course not available there, I then buy on the corresponding platform.
I hope that gives you a little first insight into what's going on in the gaming sector right now…
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. I'm always happy when I can help.
Where you get the games is up to you, it gives you a safe variant that you simply buy your game from your launcher like Steam, Epic, Microsoft etc or, as I do it personally, look for your game e.g. GTA 5 Key then you get to sites like igvault or MMOGA there are a lot of sellers, I got my last game on eBay and thus simply saved 70 euro when I got Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition for 30 euro, it usually costs this Version 100 euro well the only risk is that you either get a key that doesn't work in the end or you just don't get anything but I've always got something up until now.
I also recommend you to make an Epic Games account because you get weekly free games and tomorrow at 5 p.m. Another well-known one will come out what it is nobody knows and I haven't found any leaks about the game so it's a surprise, once you could have gotten GTA 5 for free from the Epic Store.
Here are a few game recommendations:
Rainbow six Siege (Steam, Ubisoft)
Elite Dangerous (Epic Games, Steam)
GTA 5 (Epic Games, Steam, Rockstar Games)
Just cause 4 (Epic Games)
Forza Horizon 4 (Microsoft Store)
Golf it! (Steam)
Rocket League (Epic Games)
Raft (Steam)
Thank you for your suggestions! Actually, I don't really have any preferences when it comes to games, I'm open to anything that is fun. I will definitely check out the games you recommend. I have one more question: I've been thinking about getting Overwatch, don't you think that's too complicated for a beginner like me?
No, definitely not. It's a simple game. Also just to get familiar with the general controls of most games. (Especially when things get a bit heated)
Unfortunately, it always struck me that there are more and more people in Overwatch who are constantly toxic and insult everyone and everything that they do not like. And all of the derogatory comments against women are pissed off… R6 is also toxic, but there I have my friends and don't always have to play with Randoms.
Ha. Exactly… Important tip: Most multiplayer games are more fun when you have people to talk to and get to know them better…
Back to OW: Every character has all possible functions from the start and you don't have to unlock them first. As a result, of course, only the deficit in experience can be made up and not the lack of functions of a hero.
Yes, I had to learn about the toxic communities the hard way, because my first real game was LoL (which isn't exactly known for its friendly community) and as a beginner and girl it wasn't always easy. And to OW: that's good to know, thanks for the info
Yes, LoL is very salty. I've already been able to experience that. Guess why I haven't played this for more than two weeks…
I have nothing against criticism because I play my games for fun and not to win. But you get upset when you get expressions thrown at your head all the time.
I always stay calm with my teammates, but if it gets too much, then I stop or play a single player game…