If I assign a game to ram is the ram gone?


I have a quick question. For example, if I give minecraft 3 GB ram, the ram is gone. Or does the ram come back when I close minecraft? And why shouldn't you use all your ram. So assign 16 gb ram?


No, of course it is not gone, it will be occupied by the game as long as it goes.


The ram is of course only used when the game is running. When it is not running, it is available for other applications.

You can't assign the whole ram because other applications such as The operating system still need memory.


You can use all your ram, but you can't.

How do you intend to save the entire memory of a single application.

The data required for operation are stored in the main memory and removed again after the end.

Windows itself and all other applications also require RAM.

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble
Assign Minecraft ram 2019? Co Conorpatricia5