Minecraft dungeons network failure?


I downloaded Minecraft Dungeons for the PC, and I was really looking forward to the game, but somehow my Internet doesn't seem to be fast enough, because as soon as I start Minecraft Dungeons and have arrived in the loading screen, the following error message appears:

Network problem

Please check if you have an internet connection and then try again.

But I'm connected to my Wi-Fi and have 4 bars…

Does anyone have this problem too? Is there anything I can do about it? Am I doing something wrong? The installation went smoothly and there was no error, why is that? Can someone help me?


Even if the installation went smoothly, the file can be corrupted…

I don't have the game, but I would install and uninstall it again.

Could work.

Otherwise, have a look in the settings which server you select (i.e. Whether you are playing on a European server).

I hope one of the two works.

Otherwise I can't explain it to myself.


Thanks for the hints. Unfortunately, the multiple reinstallation and repair of the download did not work… But I think it's great that you try to help me even though you are not familiar with the game!


I download it for a moment and see if that's the same with me


That costs money


I got it in the Xbox Game Pass

