Which command do I need to kill players below -10 (in the void) directly? I can't quite cope with the order
This is only possible with scoreboards:
/ scoreboard objectives add yPosition dummy
This command inserts the Y coordinate of the players into a scoreboard
/ execute as @r store result score @s yPosition data get entity @s yPosition Pos [1]
And that kills everyone who has less than -10 points
/ kill @a [score = {yPosition = .- 10}
I have a few execute commands on my list and maybe there's one that you can use. If not, I'll see that I can rebuild one. In the evening I'll be home and then I'll have a look. Lg
/ kill @a [y = -1000000, dy = 999990]
Take a look at mine, do you think it doesn't work?
I think this is only possible if the command block is at level -10 (lol) and the player has the same x and z coordinates as the command block xD
Huh really xD
Try it out if you have time xD
Ok xD