Minecraft keeps crashing?


My computer just crashed while Minecraft was running and now when I try to start Minecraft it comes:

Minecraft keeps crashing

I have already uninstalled and reinstalled Minecraft, and I have often restarted my PC but have no idea what I can do.

Can jmd help me?


Edit the profile you want to start and start with the system resolution.


Update graphics card driver


I also had this mistake sometimes.

Comes to me at irregular intervals.

For me it always helps to cut out the resource packages from the ressoucepack folder, start Minecraft and then insert them again.


If this continues, just try to reinstall MC.


That sounds like graphics drivers or graphics card problems. Minecraft got the same kind of errors under Virtual Machine after I switched off the "Accelerate 3D Graphics" in Virtual Machine settings.

That said, I would check for graphics drivers in your place and possibly reinstall or update.


This will most likely not help because its graphics driver appears to be causing problems.