Where is the best developer for Minecraft?


Hi, I would like to know where to find overcoat developer. My colleague and I are searching all the time and can't find anyone.

Where is the best place to search and how much money do you have to spend for a developer?

It would be great for us to get a free one, but what is the probability that you will find someone who would make it free?


For example with https://minecraft-server.eu/forum/forums/suche-teammitglieder.47/.

There you will find one or the other, since writing plugins etc. Is also work, no dev will do much for a server if it can't be sure that it will still exist for a while. It would be best if you could also show already developed game concepts. If you want to make a 0815 mini game server, you won't be able to get a good experienced dev enthusiastic about your project.


It will be a very nomahler server only we have on BungeeCord

changed and now have problems to get the server running and we need a developer who is familiar with it

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble
Minecraft. Developer? Bo Bodhimelodic
Minecraft developer? Bo Bodhimelodic