Why does my Minecraft keep crashing with error code 0?


My Minecraft keeps crashing lately with the same error code 0. I've tried everything, re-downloaded and updated java.

Does anyone have an idea why this might be?


How much ram did you assign to minecraft?


The 0's is not necessarily an error code. Read the latest.log as a client log file. Maybe you can read the problem here.


"Exit Code 0" is a false error message, because 0 stands for "Successfully executed". To find a solution you need the correct error message. You get it like this:

In the Minecraft launcher click on Settings (bottom left), and then on "Open output log as soon as games start". Then you start the game and after a short time an output log will open. In this you only tick Warn, Error and Fatal. As soon as the game crashes, the correct error code will appear there.

You can either google it yourself or send it in here, then I will find the solution for you.


I've tried again and I have to close the launcher while starting mc. But do not know why.