Minecraft Youtube upload time?


I already asked you a question on this topic. I have been running a Minecraft Youtube Channel for about 2 weeks. Unfortunately I'm not so well known, but I asked about it in my other question.

Anyway, I can't get rid of the feeling that I might be putting my videos online at the wrong times. So far, I've mainly uploaded my videos between 3 p.m. And 7 p.m. Unfortunately, I don't know what the perfect time is. Maybe one of you can help me there xD

My channel: https://www.youtube.com/...nw1ah9lsfw


I think the time is actually good but I might upload between 16 and 21


12 o'clock or so. Best in the morning or in the morning.


Don't be surprised that not much happens in the beginning.

Minecraft is a really big topic and a lot of people do it

The more people - the more difficult it is to get noticed.

You need good ideas, constant uploads over a long period of time and most importantly: a way to advertise.