Minecraft (Bedrock Edition) Realm: Upload world fails every time. What to do?

- in Worlds

For a long time I have been playing with friends on a Minecraft world. Since we now want to play together in the world, even if we don't meet, we decided on the Minecraft Realms.

Unfortunately, I'm unable to upload the 108Mb map to the realm. I've tried everything, but it doesn't work. In between I was able to upload a somewhat smaller world (approx. 30Mb). I did this to test it, but it didn't work right away.

I very much hope that you have some suggestions for solutions.


Get a server instead of a realm

You can try it for free on Aternos or Ploudos (the performance is better on Ploudos)

You can upload mega ez worlds and don't have to waste 10 euro per month.


Hi! Try to go to the world settings and click "play on realm" there. Then select the realm. If that doesn't work, just try 100 times.