Work as a minor?


I have some questions about the topic above. I'm currently 17 years old and have received an offer from a team that specializes in content creation for Minecraft. The company is based in Germany, works for the official Minecraft Marketplace and offers for a completed project between 800 euro and 1000 euro. As a minor, can I sign the employment contract with the consent of my parents, what do I have to pay tax and do I have to report the work to the employment office etc? So, in a nutshell, what do I have to keep in mind?


Employment Office has so nothing to do with it, if you are not there "looking for work" etc. Reported until. You should then submit a payroll tax return, which would then be considered accordingly.

Parents promise and let's go…


Okay, that sounds good. Is there anything else to keep in mind when it comes to child benefits or the like? Respectively. Is it crucial that I still live with my parents?


If you come across a "certain" sentence, it will be truncated, as this is counted as "merit". Where you live, it does not matter for the first time (housing allowance).