Minecraft nether fortress also in peaceful?


Is it possible to find a nether fortress in peaceful mode? I'm looking for nether warts and have been browsing the nether for a long time, also on simple. I just don't find the fortress


Yes, that should be possible.

See also: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/204229-minecraft-switch-edition/77299095

How do you go along in the nether? For example, if you only ever walk in one direction or only in a circle, you will never get there.


I try different ways. Dig long tunnels between 60 and 90


I would not dig tunnels, but explore the area. This is much faster than digging tunnels. Bring potions of fire if you fall into the lava and / or use an Elytra.


Unfortunately I don't have both


Well then go through the landscape, collect quartz on the way, mark your way with cobblestone. Build cobblestone bridges over lava pools. And try different directions from the portal. Mark these directions with different types of material.

Be patient, a fortress SHOULD not be easy to find, otherwise it would not be called HIDDEN FORTRESS, i.e. Hidden fortress.


The world generation has nothing to do with the level of difficulty. Nether Fortress are always generated like all other structures, unless you have deactivated them. By the way, digging is not the best tactic to search for the largest possible area in a short time. I would recommend running on the surface, maybe with a bit of a system.

Fortresses can also be hidden quite well, I know that. That's why I often use the Nether-Fortress Finder when I start new worlds.

There you have to enter the seed of your world (/ seed) and then you will see all the fortresses of the Nether and its coordinates on a map.