Good question stupid question; - Mobile?


I bought a new phone. Not yet unpacked or anything else. So now it hails like criticism! I often let my 6 year old play on my phone. Cooking apps, Minecraft or something like that. Child-friendly, of course. I do not want that anymore with my new mobile phone. Hence the question. Can he still play games on the old device without simcard? I mean that is usually over W-LAN. That should work, right? Sorry I already know my way around but we did not have that yet. Under no circumstances will he receive my new 🙊LG


Yes, that continues to work without a SIM card.


Yes goes… In the wlan also works the app store… Dafüt are only google / apple account necessary.


Of course that is possible.


But he will be happy!


By the way… By the way… It is not at all objectionable that children play in the present time with smartphones… I'm BJ90 and had at that time (with 7) already a gameboy. However, you should guard the offer and limit consumption with times (works well with smartphones)


I agree with you Even the elementary school teacher thinks mincraft is super as it encourages creativity but everything in the frame. But unfortunately they do exist… The helicopter mothers or general cell phone condemned at this age. That's why I was really afraid to ask such a question and I'm very happy to have received neutral answers. Thanks for the effort and have a nice evening. Lg