What do Minecraft do with diamonds?


That's a stupid question, but I've never been good at Minecraft and just found diamonds for the first time XD. I've already built a pickaxe and a magic table. Could someone tell me what I can do with my remaining 7 diamonds? Would be kind.


Armor is very important! Maybe another sword. 7 diamonds are enough for slide pants and sword


Armor or keep it until you need it.


I already have iron armor. Is that enough? XD


Iron is enough; you can pick it up


Pick up the diamonds


I would say that you first go to more diamond farms and when you have 24 you can make yourself a full slide armor and sword shovel ax tools and if you find a village you can probably trade with the villagers and you could also build something So don't craft but build, for example, you can build your house out of diamonds or you would need quite a few for that but I don't know exactly which ones but there's a mod with which you can make boxes out of diamonds and everything else but you probably shouldn't use a diamond can also be used for a jukebox or for a note block I didn't notice that there's now a version or a mod in the chamber to give dogs armor or you keep them for yourself for later if you can use it again and preferably several more so best twice as much as 24 and if de armor breaks

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