Recommend a good pc for Minecraft?


I wanted to buy a Pc for Minecraft and didn't know exactly where and which one would be suitable. Could someone recommend one to me for around 500-600 euro?


It's not quite the same with PCs as with consoles that there's a PS4 or something. It depends on which graphics card or which processor is inside. There are MILLIONS of combinations… Or how much RAM is in there or something… A toaster is actually enough for Minecraft for 150-200 euro, you don't need much. I would recommend you and everyone to first read or see which component can do what and which is best for you (price-performance). And watch out! Just because a PC has a good graphics card doesn't mean it's good! (It could be that it has little RAM or something.


It always depends on what you expect. If I turn the graphics settings down, Minecraft also runs at 30fps on a 300 euro notebook. But with minimal visibility and poor graphics, even Minecraft isn't fun.

I would say a PC with a not too old 4 core CPU, 16GB RAM (are already very useful for Minecraft), an SSD (at least for Windows) and a dedicated graphics card.

The PC does not have to be new and the graphics card does not have to be a new RTX 3000 graphics card.

Since graphics cards are currently very expensive, I would just look around for a used PC with your budget. Maybe you will find something.


Ok thanks but do you happen to know where to get a finished pc with win 10? Because I don't feel like building it myself._.


Where do you find the best place to look for uses?


EBay classifieds has many. But of course the price has to be right and I would best pick up the PC. After all, it's a private sale


Yo ok thank you


Alternatively, take a look on YouTube to see how good a PC with Ryzen 3400g is at Minecraft. The integrated graphics in the processor is relatively potent.


Look at e.g. Dubaro