Minecraft - mending (reperatur) fishing?


You can get quite a few and above all valuable items by fishing, including enchanted fishing, enchanted bows and enchanted books.

In my Meincraft time I have already landed many enchanted bows and arches with the mending effect, but never a book with mending, is this even possible?

Or do you get such a book only through villagers, temples and raids?

From the wikis, I have somehow rauslesen no clear answer…


Yes. It is possible, but the chance is very low.


I agree, the likelihood is very small as with most of the fishable items. As far as I know, the chance for an Enchanted Bow is roughly 10% and roughly 2% for a book. I'm not sure about that.



There are the opportunities in detail. (Unfortunately only books and no mending books…)

If you do not have a fish farm yet, I would recommend you to build one.


Unfortunately only books and no mending books…

If you clicked on the link on the Enchanted Books, you would see the chance for Mending Books. ^^


It is possible!

The chance that a fished book is enchanted with Mending is 1-2%.

Approximately Every 100th book you fish is a mending book.

