Minecraft is dead when a window is open in the background?


First of all: I have a pretty good gaming PC and this problem has not occurred before (I have the PC for almost 3 years). This problem has occurred "suddenly".

The problem:

When I play Minecraft in full screen and z. For example, if I have Youtube open or if I'm contacted by Teamspeak, I have a type that is more reminiscent of screen tearing. These laggs occur when I z. B. Steam or any program in the window or full screen, but I have not minimized it.

I've already tried to set up Windows again, reinstall drivers, reinstall graphics card drivers.

I have a second PC and this problem occurs there as well, although I only built it about 2 months ago

This problem only occurs with Minecraft and no other game.


It is obviously not the hardware if it occurs on both PCs. The two programs may be so unfortunate that the PC may experience unfortunate lag due to the way the programs were programmed and work


I also suspect that it may be due to Windows, since it apparently suddenly occurred ---> Windows updates


What do you have inside the pc?


Could of course be.


R5 1600 GTX 1060 6GB 16GB Ram

In the second i5 9400f rtx 2060 16gb ram

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