Ready PC / laptop 600 euro?


I've been looking for a ready-made PC / laptop for 600 euro for a long time… I've also seen a lot of reviews and I'm somehow scared that e.g. Such a ready-made PC becomes a disappointment because I have often heard it from friends. So my question: Does anyone have a GOOD 600 euro PC or laptop ready for: 1. Gaming games (eg Minecraft, CS: GO) 2. And chilling on Discord without any problems 3. And can also make YT streams / videos on the device. Don't know me well, was on the console for 5 years.

Also with links, but please no individual parts from PC. (Or just a good laptop) Thanks in advance


Would not recommend you to buy a laptop for 600 euro, because you can assemble or buy a much better PC for 600 euro.

I would recommend NZXT and HardwareRat if you want to buy a pc.


For the budget you don't get a laptop, they are always overpriced in terms of price / performance.

As a PC you could consider this:


I'll look at it, thank you