PC for 500-600 euro is it worth it?


I want to put together a PC for something like 500-600 euro next year. I want to play a couple of games on it. I don't know now what kind of requirements I will have on the PC in the future. Do you think 500-600 euro PC's are enough to play a few more complex games in the future, so not just Minecraft 😂


You will see that then. Nobody knows that today and nobody can estimate that.


So for a game capable PC you should plan 1200 times


What are you talking about


Blanket statement.

You don't know the games, the desired resolution or the hoped-for frame rate. In FullHD you will probably get by with a 600 EUR PC for a long time. In 8K, your 1200 EUR will probably not be enough by far.


Yes, it is possible, you can buy certain things used or wait until the parts are reduced. If you don't go to current trends like RBGs or water cooling, you can do well with the money.


More and more games are slowly coming onto the market that have ever higher requirements. Of course, it also depends on where you buy the PC that makes up what hardware is in the PC.

Normal games such as LS19 or Minecraft should normally not be a problem with a 500 euro or 600 euro PC. But if you want to go in the direction of GTA 6, a PC in this price range will be very tight.


So if I z. B. Am going out my 4 most played games, a 600 euro PC would be overwhelmed

Monster hunter world iceborne

Resident evil 2

Resident evil 7

Halo collection


Which 600 EUR PC - one from otto or one from the local electronics dealer?


With a PC in this price range you can play all current titles. With full HD resolution, more than just low details are possible.



Everything on high / ultra

And regardless of whether Otto or a local electronics dealer, both were overwhelmed

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble