Heard strange voices on the desktop / through the headset?


I've heard stranger voices through my headset twice now! The first time I heard a non-German (heard Russian) speak a sentence. After the sentence I never heard him again, the scary thing was that I had no program open! The second time, a few days ago, I heard a boy who was probably 15-17 years old talking about Minecraft. I only heard him, not the person talking! Then I closed all programs including Discord, where I thought it might get away… But after Discord closed I still heard the voice! Then I quickly shut down my PC and later pulled out the LAN cable. Then I turned my PC back on to see if I could still hear the voice. But I don't! I then ran a virus scanner but did not discover any suspicious files / programs. Then later reset my PC (ALL data deleted!). In these situations it got down my spine! I've also read that others had the problem! It was really creepy to hear the voices so clearly! I hope I'm not mentally disturbed and do not imagine voices! XD


Your headset is receiving radio waves from elsewhere for some reason. Thousand per xD

If I had with my pc system… First thought of ghosts. 😂 long wave is what arrives I think.


I thought I was hacked or spied on xD! Thanks for the quick answer, now I can finally sleep in peace!


No problem. Good night


Haha aasalter how amazing


I would be happy if you mark my answer as most helpful 🙋♂️


I already have (it's already grayed out). And thanks again!


No, you can mark it as most helpful. With the three points directly in the answer above. Then you get a star with the answer. 🙂


Sorry there's only "Follow answer", "Report answer" and "Share link to answer"


Ok, to be honest, I have no idea either des thought so. 😂 but thanks for trying.