I'm urgently looking for a 500 euro-550 euro gaming pc to me it is only important that it is at least 90fps in the following games: fortnite, minecraft overwatch.
link would be optional!
Overwatch won't work.
How about the other games with a 500 euro gaming pc with fps values?
I would be interested in how much fps he does in Minecraft or Fortnite do you know that by any chance? Or can you key it out from the components?
With minecraft, it seems to depend on what mods or something you install there. Fortnite works with its Vega 11 (internal graphics unit from AMD).
But at 500 euro you will not be happy because there's often only 8 gig RAM and 250 - 500 gig memory.
Better take just under 600 then something like this also works:
The same PC when the world was still fine and the components were a bit cheaper.
If you only have 500 euro, then shouldn't the FPS values really matter or don't you want to buy a PC if the desired values are not achieved?
You should get the best gaming PC you can get for the money. If it's 70 or less instead of 90, you can't change it.
So you get 50fps in fortnite so unplayable get another one
The guy just runs around and does not buildfightet
and on medium you have about 70.60fps which is simply not enough for fortnite
The fps would still drop if he played properly
Why should it create 90 fps?