Netflix jerks on 2nd monitor at the MC play | What to do?


First of all,

Today at noon when I gambled Minecraft, and by the way looked at Netflix, there was no jerk at Netflix. But now. I have not changed anything in the settings and no other program or the like opened. I have not changed this lunchtime, but now it jerks as if it were only 2FPS. On the Internet, it can't be because I'm in the screen and Netflix re-runs properly. However, if I go back into the game, Netflix starts to jerk as before. I use the browser Firefox and have restarted it once before. Unfortunately I have no idea what the problem could be.


Maybe in the background updates of Windows or something else.


If you have W10, you can use the Netflix app. Costs less power than having a browser open while gambling.

How much memory does your PC have?


16GB Ram has my PC, but I'll even download the Netflix app, thanks for the tip