Which PC is good for Minecraft and streaming at that?


I wanted to get a PC for Minecraft plus streaming and my budget is max. 800 euro, but I don't know if that's enough for Minecraft and a good stream quality. So I would be happy if someone would help me.


At the moment you would have to spend at least twice your budget for a good streaming PC.


This one is great, save the 100 euro somewhere else:



So wait until it gets cheaper again?


Not at minecraft


Absolutely! I think things will look a little better in six months. Nevertheless, you should expect 1000-1200 for a completely new PC.


A 6-core of the 2nd gen, especially for streaming? Also, I would not advise anyone to install a 1660 in a new PC in 2021.


The 1660 super is not a 1660 but better! And it's about minecraft, because the olle 2600 burnt a hole in your barrel!


Sure he gets something for 800 euro, but he has to make unnecessary compromises in terms of performance and volume and is absolutely not future-proof. If he doesn't care about the whole area and he just wants to play Minecraft for the next few years without graphically complex mods and shaders, then that fits.


The 2600 gets better every year. At the moment, hardly any game uses 12 threads to the full - but if that is the case at some point, the raw performance will last for a few years for each game. Until then, the stop is bobbing around with 40% occupancy.

if, contrary to expectations, it should get tight, he can get a used 5800x, the mainboard can still take a lot.


A bit of streaming on Twitch is more than enough for Minecraft +. He can also render videos in Premiere…