Mc resource pack / shaders?


I wanted to ask if someone could help me. When I try to pull a recourse pack or a shader in minecraft I get this message asking if I want this pack in the game and if I press yes nothing happens, so the recourse pack or the shader are not there. My friends have already tried to explain it to me, but nothing changes. Is it because I play on mac? Or am I doing something wrong?

I've formulated it a bit stupid now, but I hope you understand my question and someone can help me


First you need optifine if you don't know how to get it look at a tutorial then if you have pressed windows key + r enter% appdata% and go to .minecraft then to shader and drag it into there


Then let me know if everything worked


I already have optifine on, but I'll try again later and let you know


So I just tried it again but after I confirmed this 'do you want to add following packs to minecraft' nothing happens so nothing has changed in the game: /


Of course, you also have to turn on the shader in the video settings of Optifine