Minecraft custom sound doesn't work?


I would like to add a custom sound to Minecraft. I've also created a resource pack. In it I have "pack.mcdata", the "assets" folder and "pack.png". In "assets" I have the folder "minecraft" in which I have the folder "sounds" and the "sound.json". In the "Sounds" folder I have the "Willkommen" folder, in which I have the "Willkommen.ogg" file.

If I now load the resource pack in 1.16.2. Can I run the command "/ playsound minecraft: Willkommen.welkommen master @a ~ ~ ~" (Minecraft seems to have found the sound)

However, when I do that, I don't hear anything. My loudspeaker works, in the Minecraft settings I have all sounds at 100% and when I listen to the "Willkommen.ogg" file, it also has a content.

Now i do not know any further. Can someone help me?

Here are screenshots from "sounds.json" and "pack.mcdata"

Minecraft custom sound doesn t work

I recommend you to create a new folder under assets with the name of your choice (e.g. Funfarm) and in the funfarm folder the sounds folder & the sounds.json.

I would write the text in the sounds.json as follows:

"welcome.welcome": {
"sounds": [
{"name": "funfarm: welcome", "stream": "true"}


Still does not work