I'm looking for Minecraft Hate videos?


No, stop! I know what you think, but it's not like that! I'm not one of those people who share such an opinion, on the contrary. I'm one of the people who are sometimes very upset about such opinions. That is exactly why I'm looking for such videos, as a kind of training, to be hardened against such views and not to get upset. So what provocative Minecraft Hate videos do you know?


Do you mean grief videos or how?



The guy can't play Mc yet…

And then XBox Player 🤣😂


Right, after 20 seconds I was so exasperated by the voice.


I would like to recommend videos to you but I do not know such vids. I don't have to look at that. Many of them are also blocked by YT


Many of them are also blocked by YT

I do not think so. In Germany there's freedom of expression (which also applies to stupid opinions that have arisen from ignorance)

I don't know how YouTube does it, but I think YouTube accepts all kinds of opinions.


No, there are hate videos that are blocked