Minecraft smears?


Huhu. Got a Macbook Air today and wanted to play Minecraft right away, but it didn't work. It always says Code 6 when it crashes.
How can I allocate more RAM to the game? If I go to Optifine> Edit and then want to insert another number normally, that doesn't work…


A screenshot would be great and your hardware (at least GPU and RAM). Also; which mods do you use and what kind of shader / texturepack do you have inside.


Macbook Air and Minecraft will never do this well…


8 GB of RAM and I wanted to take the BSL shader


So you can play Minecraft with a Macbook, but that's the upper limit. Then still using a shader is problematic.

I don't know what error code 6 means. I still need a screenshot for that.

Best of all: play without the shader, then you should have solved the problem. Using a texture pack with a maximum of 120fps can be critical, but a shader…