Mining soil quickly in Minecraft?

- in Earth

I'm currently building a very large project in MC and for that I have to remove the whole earth (i.e. Most of it) and normal dismantling of the earth takes far too long (I also play on my iPad and not PC or anything else) with TNT also net just great. Does anyone know something with which I can quickly get rid of the earth?

As I said, I play games with an iPad and it takes too long to break down the earth normally.


Ka whether that goes on ipad but worldedit


Unless you blow it up or dismantle it, you can't remove the earth. You can just put Beacon with Haste 2 next to it and take a Netherite shovel with Effi 5 and Mending to be quick. Then near villager point and always repairs


What's this? So I google that too, but will the earth never get away or everything that is on earth?


Go to survive and get a netheride shovel with effi 5 and durability 3


You can't edit the MC files on the ipad or console and therefore can't insert extensions such as WE


Ideally also durability 3


I only play creative mode as info: 'D


Then go to mine for survival. Just enter / gamemode survival in the chat. Also goes on PE


Reduces the aisles to the four-way storage facility, but is more of a luxury and saves some time


Ok i try


/ fill [X1] [Y1] [Z1] [X2] [Y2] [Z2] air replace [The block you want to remove]


Does that even work on PE?


No idea, the commands in Bedrock and Java are halfway the same.


I've played both and can actually do a lot with commands, but I've never managed that on PE


Here is a video about it. Since I do not play the Bedrock version, I unfortunately can't guarantee that it will work.


Try the fill command:

/ fill x y z x y z air

For the first 3 xyz you use the coordinates of the top right corner.

For the last 3 xyz you take the coordinates of the lower left corner (underground)