Which new graphics card should I build in my PC?


The subject of the "new graphic map" has occupied me for a long time.
1 1/2 years ago I built a pc myself.
I took over the graphics card (1050 ti 4gb) from my older PC.
But now that I not only play Minecraft and Rocket league, but also Forza 4 / Bf1,5 / GTA and in the future also play many Cod titles I would like to play on a better quality than "low, medium" and with more than 50-70 FPS I have now set myself the goal of buying a new graphics card. However, the problem arises that I know really little about it.
everything is in my pc:

• Ryzen 7 2700x

• Msi B450 pro carbon

• G-skill Aegis 2 • 8 Gb DDR 4-3000 RAM

• Corsair Carbide 275R

and I have a WQHD McIntyre AOC monitor

And now I want a graphics card that fits into my pc both in terms of space and performance

I've now saved around 500 euro together

the graphics card should have 8GB because I think this is very future-proof and will last for a few years

I would be very happy to receive tips and advice, possibly a few recommendations


RX6700XT or NVIDIA 3060.

Both are likely to be around 400 euro if available.


Hmm, thanks but the 3060 also fits in my pc because I read something about the fact that the graphics card must also have DDR4 if my motherboard I have DDR4


No that is not correct.

Then you couldn't use a GTX1050, it has DDR5.

So that doesn't matter.


And since there's still no RAM with DDR5 or 6, no one could use an RTX3060 or RX5700XT, which have DDR6


So now I could also install a 2070 Pöhnix, for example


Yes of course you can.


Really I can't believe that it's so easy

aslo that's really true


Why should I tell cheese here.

Almost flat rate… Everything is compatible with everything.


DDR2 / 3/4 mainboard memory with GPU VDDR3 / 4/5/6, regardless of the number


Hmm thanks, I can grasp that it is so n clack because I have used my PC to put together


Experience is the best teacher… Next time you'll be smarter… It sounds stupid, but no master has fallen from heaven. And we here too had to learn it first.


Ah and i have one more question… If my graphics card were a little longer now, it would hit the chipset housing of my mainboard


No. Most of the time it just doesn't fit into the case. It's like trying to put a Tupperware box that is too big in a cupboard that is too small.


It doesn't hit the case and but against my mainboard chicpsatzt and that would be the case with every slightly larger graphics card (more than 1 fan)


But that is very unusual. The mainboards are generally designed in such a way that the GPU DOES NOT collide with the chipset. The chipsets are actually kept so flat that they are lower than the PCIe slot.

I looked at your Msi B450 pro Carbon again, that doesn't give the impression that the cooler is in the way.

The manufacturers pay attention to something like that.


Hmm with me it is very close so the graka just touches it


As long as it fits, it's ok. Touching it doesn't hurt


Well then if that is the case

I clarify this with my brother again and if that fits then nothing stands in the way of the 2070 Phoenix


I have a minor problem

Yesterday I cleaned my oh a bit and then examined everything and checked whether everything was still in the right place and then took my power supply unit out of the bracket and did not disconnect the cables

The ssd sata cable must have come out to me and then I thought for a long time where it might come from and yes then I switched on my pc without sata cable and then a rim message "Pc will be repaired automatically" came up and it did I was a bit overwhelmed then I found the problem and plugged in the sata cable and since then everything is great so well semi my pc boots up extremely slowly and when I'm in my desktop screen I have no icons I only have my home screen and when I right-click and want to open the task meanerger, it takes about 45/60 minutes until it is open and that's a problem

would you assist me

I apologize very badly for my spelling mistakes, but I got really little sleep because I was dealing with it all the time


It is best to check all cables again for correct fit and plug them in again