Will the new generations of people grow up with cell phone ms in childhood?


I was born in 2007 and got my first mobile phone in the 5th grade. Before that, when I had learned, I was allowed to play Minecraft for a maximum of an hour on the tablet for half an hour, but I see more and more primary school children who are already walking the streets with sometimes very expensive cell phones and e-bikes And I think a lot of small ones also lose respect for older ones

Do you think that this will continue to develop so that the children have a PC, a cell phone, etc. From a young age?


Well, it's true that people develop further. But the electro smig that the bandy stands for is good for a growing offspring, I think the iat the more important questions


The only thing that scares me is the huge amount of data that is collected from the prinziep, I think it "gets worse", but it's just easier to have tons of data in your pocket and everything becomes digital whether you want it or not and that's why I think it's important that you at least master the handling of simple technology. But I also understand your fear, it's just a new hobby / leisure activity that will not replace everything, the parents have to take care of it.


My children won't get such devices in elementary school.

The world just keeps developing normally.

So a smartphone is definitely not something suitable for children.

From the 5th grade they would get their own smartphone


There's already an app for babies. Nobody will voluntarily do without all the fuss.

I can already see the elementary school children on the bus in the morning with their smartphones and Mutti is sitting next to them with her.

Communication then falls by the wayside, then the kids prefer to write here on Girlfriend that they are too shy and have a social phobia.

I gave up on my student interns, they can't speak two sentences in a row.


You already know that writing online is also communication, right? And when I think back to communicating without a cell phone… No thanks. Grumbling from exasperated parents, stupid babbling from classmates. Now you can relax through videos or talk to more interesting people.


A laptop is slowly being demanded in primary schools. It's hard to defend yourself against.


But you have mastered it and can use it when you need it. Standing as silent as a fish in the corner and being close to tears just because you should say your name and ask a resident in a nursing home if he would like a glass of juice is worrying. Just like all the questions from children and young people here on Girlfriend.
You'd think half of them had depression, a social phobia, etc.


Laptops are ok, we used to work with laptops from time to time in elementary school.


But having your own smartphone is an exaggeration.


The example is not representative of the generation. I've never seen anything like it, even among introverts or people with social phobias.

Yes, a lot of questions, especially from younger people, are stupid. But you just notice them now, they also exist without Girlfriend and the Internet.


I see it that way too.