Can someone correct my letter?


Dear Mr. Miller,

We, the class 10a, have heard that you have a negative attitude towards playing computer games on the internet café. My class has discussed the pros and cons and asked you to share our view of things.

First, it can be said that it is for the students, the z. B. After a work or lesson, a relaxation is. (What else can I write down?)

More importantly, you automatically learn how to use the computer, keyboard, and mouse to strengthen media literacy. Which can be a relief for the future job, for example, if you work in the office and have a lot to do with the PC. (Complement? )

While it could be said that playing games on computers creates a blockage on PCs for school tasks, one can create a plan when the PC can be used for gaming and school tasks, so no problems should arise. It could also be agreed with the person when he can to the computer.

However, it seems particularly important to us that you have many learning opportunities through different PC games. Some games are in English or you can set it up, so you can improve your foreign language skills as you get to know new words and also need to read and use them permanently. It will also develop skills, such as the game "Minecraft"; the creativity and the Fortnite team ability. (Other ideas, about learning opportunities?)

We hope our arguments were so convincing that, despite your concerns about computer games, you will be introducing computer games to the cybercafe.


Your arguments are weak.

Computer, keyboard and mouse learns and thus strengthens media literacy.

In times when 100% of all teenagers felt they had a smartphone? That would possibly gone over 20 years.

Also English is not a good example, the argument would draw rather if it were a language learning game, the English newspaper or a movie. Here are a maximum of a few commands.


It does not open me now, why the class 10 a the teacher Mueller a letter writes, so that he no longer has problem with the gambling in the InterNetcafé. The likelihood that he will send you to the internet café during the lesson so that you can gamble there's more than low…

Quite apart from that, you have already hidden a few mistakes in the letter…


It was too many for me. 10th grade, for heaven's sake…

Putzig I find that with the media literacy.
Through computer games. Incredible.


Actually, one assumes that one lets write the student, who has the fewest problems with spelling and grammar, but…


I'm afraid that's this student…


Ups… 10th grade… * cough *


Since you have the right media skills by playing on the computer, it should not be a problem to use the spelling and grammar checker.

After using them, then you know why Mr. Müller is against it.