How can you best remember the way?


Yesterday after years I finally got Minecraft Java Edition.

I get along well there, only I keep forgetting the way back to my built house when I explore the whole island.

How can I remember the way? Is there a trick?


If you have built your house close to the worldspawn you can always walk to the coordinates X = 0 Z = 0


See if you can remember noticeable points in the landscape. Otherwise just coordinators


With the F3 key you can call up an overlay with which you can read out your X, Y, Z coordinates.

When you are at your house, you can simply write down the coordinates and you will always find your way back.

Alternatively there are waypoint mods.


WorldSpawn is not at 0/0.


You can craft a lodestone and put it in your house, then click on the lodestone with a compass and then the compass will always point to the lodestone.

You can also use coordinates


Craft a map, then build a map table and enlarge your existing map with paper. Now you build a banner and put it in front of it, in or on your house. Now you click with your card on this banner and it is shown on the card. So you can always find your house and not miss it