Malware on the computer does not go away?


I know that I download a lot on my computer and so it apparently happened at some point and I also downloaded malware or maybe a virus.

So, the malware only shows up under certain circumstances.

A small window in the lower right corner shows a Windows sound when a computer game and Google Chrome are started. This window mostly contains erotic advertising ("Do you want me ** then call **") or money advertising ("So you can win the sum X $"). There's a small arrow to the right with which this advertisement can be clicked away (but then a new one comes directly; only if you click for a while nothing comes at some point) or a red cross with which the malware is supposed to be deleted (this leads you to an alleged anti virus site where you can buy something).

So since the circumstances are so strange (only with the Google Chrome browser) I have uninstalled and reinstalled this browser. Unfortunately it didn't work. I also downloaded a malware cleaner (Malwarebytes AdwCleaner). This detected 8 malware "things" and was able to delete 7 of them. With a restart there were 8 again.

Maybe someone can help me or give me a tip. Perhaps it is just advertising that can be switched off on the linked page, the page where the advertising takes you ( It is important that this only occurs with a computer game (no matter which one, from Steam games to Minecraft). Otherwise I can still imagine any virus. Maybe someone has an idea, a malware cleaner or something else that could help me!


You could still test the Trojan Remover
AdwCleaner is actually quite good.


Try to find out the file path and uninstall it via the system controls (everything you don't know)


Download Kaspersky Security Cloud Free and turn on the protection. He should find the virus and possibly offer "active disinfection". That should clean up your system again.


Ok, I'll try it out


Ok I'll try it out


So the file path from the detected problems? By AdwCleaner


Sounds like annoying adware. Actually, the AdwCleaner is quite good and you could only use the CCleaner to clean up the registry.

Otherwise just go to Computer> Uninstall Programs and then uninstall everything you don't know what it is or where you think it could be.


You probably won't get this out with the tools because it's not malware. Find out what it is and where it comes from.

It's a notification or a pop-up or a page.

Start like this: right-click on it and check whether you can get the page name that sends the things to you (not the advertised page). If so, block the page in the router.

If you can't get it out, go to the settings and look there, which page is allowed what. Like "send notifications". Block there.

And try an "exotic" browser, e.g. Vivaldi. Is it gone there?

Always go to Settings after a new installation and set everything there to "not allowed", which could be the cause.


In my opinion this damages more than it has a chance of success




It is a malicious program… More harm than harm is impossible


I would take my time with it. You overload your system with many programs.


Thanks for your help! Well, as I said, it only applies to Google Chrome, not to all other browsers installed (Mozilla Firefox or the pre-installed IE).

So you think it could be wrong permissions?

I will definitely try it out


Ok, I'll take that into account


Then it is because of the configuration of Google Chrome. The others seem to be blocking it. Or it is just a line. Typically, pages often ask if "they can send notifications". If you clicked "yes" by mistake, then they are in a positive list. You should also find this in the settings of Google Chrome. Simply delete it. The best thing to do is to delete them all, but it's none of my business.

PS: which doesn't concern me either. All these cleaners and virus scanners did more harm than good to me. Kicked them all. Win Defender is pretty good. What he can't do, the previous sentence applies again…