Minecraft cave that looks like the end?


I happened to spawn with my nether portal in a cave that looks like this cave with the end portal. When I walked through and opened all these doors and chests, I noticed that it was a very small place and not the end as it seems. No mobs, no silver fish, end portal and there were only 3 doors and 3 chests. But the stones, the lattice structure is exactly like the cave from the end. What exactly is it or do I have to dig until I find it?


This is the end fortress, you have to find the end portal. Just dig something when you come across dead ends and use something as a marker for places where you have already been (for example redstone torches or a certain block).


I'll try digging around, thank you.


Thank you so so much! Found it after digging for a few minutes, thanks.

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