Minecraft ram calculation?


I'm supposed to do a ram calculation for a friend, it should contain 8 factors and of course be error-free. But I have to know what the factors are and how the "equation is put together".


I don't know what you want, besides, what does your friend want with it? If he has no idea why does he ask someone who also has no idea? Why do you need such nonsense anyway? You can't just quickly calculate the RAM usage, test it out and you will see. So you can gain knowledge. Before people think I'll tell Schmarn: No, you can't make reliable statements about servers because some skins have more pixels, some names are longer, etc.


A reference point for vanilla servers is 200 MB per slot…

Vanilla, without mods and without plugins…

If that were added, you can't say anything more, then it can be a multiple…


What do you need that for?
Why does your friend give you this task even though you have no idea about it?
You can't reliably calculate that

As already said, the amount of RAM required per player varies. People with LabyMod and lots of cosmetics, for example, need more RAM than people who play without mods and resource packs. In addition there's the number of users, your mods and plugins that run in the background and many other factors.

So please forget It is impossible to calculate exactly.

But you can of course try out what you need in terms of RAM with your mods and plguins.