What to do against obsessive-compulsive disorder?


In advance, thanks to everyone who writes a good answer or at least helpful answer.

Let us now turn to the topic. I have a compulsory order as well as a compulsion to touch that the first one probably (even if it sounds weird, but true) somehow started with Minecraft, I always have there, always when I build something, the urge to build certain buildings perfectly. I get inwardly aggression when, for example, certain patterns are not perfect, be it now that is black at one corner while it is white at the other corners, then I have the urge to correct all flaws in the pattern, in addition to the aggression, even if I it does not want to. If I do not make patterns or shapes perfect, it somehow puts a strain on me, I do not understand why, but I somehow get pressure and my brain shows me unchecked (stops after about 5 minutes or if I stop this activity, also stop) possible solutions to perfection of the pattern

The compulsion to touch started very early in my childhood, I do not feel the need to touch certain objects. For me, when I see soil, it has patterns, such as B squares that are separated by lines, then I have this urge not to touch these lines, but only the squares, the reason why I have this contact compulsion (I'm not sure) is because my brain always imagines uncontrollably, the lines are Lava or acid, I have no idea why my brain thinks this out, but yes, that's the way it is and I do not know why, but my brain then thinks up any suitable "music".


To treat obsessive-compulsive disorder: self-help & treatment options



I also have an extreme form of obsession. Did you ever get tablets?


Not yet, I'm researching which tablets are recommended
