I want to be a YouTuber. But don't know if it's still worth it as a Minecraft YouTuber? What do you all mean?
To become a successful Youtuber is extremely difficult. Maybe 0.01% can do that.
Do an apprenticeship or go to university and do Youtube on the side. Then you can see whether it will work or not.
Difficult question. When it comes to money, it becomes difficult. You don't actually earn that much with youtube and it would take years for you to become a little "famous". But it is also possible that you simply always remain relatively unknown.
If you get better known, you could also add advertising to your videos, but then you might make yourself unpopular with many again. I don't like YouTubers who advertise (regardless of whether there are such amazon-affliate-links in the video or in the description), because then there's usually a dislike. There are only a few exceptions.
So if it doesn't
I want to
If it's just a minor matter, I would definitely give it a try (it doesn't depend a lot on it then). I still play Minecraft a lot. The question is, what kind of Minecraft videos do you want to do then.
The question is what do you mean by "worthwhile".
As far as gaming is concerned, you're on youtube c.a. 10-15 years late. So if you are expecting high audience numbers then it's not worth it.
but if you want to do this for fun then just do it.
How do you think it's worth it?
If it's your hobby and you want to do it on the side, definitely. I started my channel as a joke and now have over 260 subscriptions. But I would recommend uploading other games.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Do you know chaosflo44? Like him, I have someone else I do YouTube with