How does this Minecraft circuit work?


Following circuit:

How does this Minecraft circuit work

As soon as I place the torch in place, the torch and redstone flicker on the one back block (there's no redstone on the top block). After a short time, the torch and redstone will go out. How does this work?


The torch is first in the activated state and powers the redstone, the redstone powers the block on which the torch sits and it is thereby switched off, whereby the redstone is also switched off, the torch comes on again etc etc etc


The redstone signal from the torch is passed through the block to the redstone, which comes on and deactivates the torch. If you build this right next to each other twice, you have a clock. (No clock btw.)


Ok, thank you, logically this would have to repeat itself forever, but why does it stop shortly afterwards?!


Ok thanks, but that should actually be a cycle, but why does it stop shortly afterwards?!


Because the switched on signal of the powered Redstone extinguishes the torch, but also powers the block. The torch is still out thanks to the block and the redstone is no longer powered


Because the switched on signal of the powered Redstone extinguishes the torch, but also powers the block. The torch is still out thanks to the block and the redstone is no longer powered


Maybe it is slightly offset and that is made up by lags in the world?


But why should it end after several repetitions? Step by step: The torch is on, it powers the block above it, which powers the redstone next to it and therefore also the block on which the torch sits, which means that the torch will go out. When the torch is out, the block above is no longer powered, so also not the redstone and accordingly the block under the redstone ==> the torch turns on. Logically, it would have to repeat itself forever, but it doesn't. How so?


If a Redstone torch changes its state more than eight times within 60 ticks (~ 3 seconds) it burns out and ignores further signals until it receives a block update and the number of state changes in the last 60 ticks was less than eight.

From the fact that the burning out produces its own effects (smoke particles + hissing), it can be seen that it is an intentional mechanism.


OK thanks for the answer. So to understand (I'm a Minecraft beginner):

You mean that if the state of the torch changes too often in a row, to put it simply, does it stop responding? Does this mean that the torch just stays off? And how is the block update and "the number of state changes…" to be understood? If it is over, it won't get any changes of state anyway?!


Changes too often in a row, then does it stop responding? Does this mean that the torch just stays off?

yes, that's exactly what it says

And how is the block update and "the number of state changes…" to be understood? If it is over, it won't get any changes of state anyway?!

It is checked whether it had less than 8 changes in state in the previous 60 ticks, that is, it can't be switched on again immediately after it has burned out. The block update is required so that the torch, so to speak, notices again that it can be active.


Because the clay torch is overloaded.